Building Social Muscle: Malka Kopell on Creating Conversation and Community Across Difference

Malka Kopell has a Master’s in Public Policy from Harvard and has over 30 years of experience doing…

Connecting to the Love that Powers the Universe: Carl McColman on Everyday Mysticism

Carl McColman is a blogger, author, podcaster, and teacher, with a deep affinity for the Christian mystical…

Polishing the Mirror of our Hearts: Kabir Helminski on Rumi, Sufism, and Becoming Fully Human

Shaikh Kabir Helminski is a Muslim educator, retreat leader, and a teacher and translator of Jallaladin…

Becoming a Whole Man: Rev. Karl Ruttan, PhD on Authentic Spirituality for Boys and Men

Rev. Karl Ruttan, PhD is a retired Episcopal priest with a doctorate in spiritual formation and over…

Philip Goldberg: Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times

Philip Goldberg has been studying the world’s spiritual traditions for more than 50 years, as a practitioner,…

Recreating Eden: Dr. Patricia Tull on the Human Vocation of Belonging in the World

In a time of ecological and social crisis, it can be tempting to retreat from the world and pine nostalgically…

Crossing the Great Divide: Cory Lockhart on Compassionate Communication for Contentious Times

Our nation, our communities, and our families are divided more deeply now than they have been in decades,…

Long-Haul Pandemic (Grand)Parenting with Nellie Springston

Being a parent or a grandparent during a pandemic is a challenge for which none of us were prepared….