Nina Simons on Nature, Culture, the Sacred, and Feminine Leadership
Nina Simons is an activist, author, social entrepreneur, and the co-founder of Bioneers, a nonprofit organization committed to social and environmental justice work that honors the web of life, now and into the future. In this conversation, Nina reflects on how feminine and indigenous leadership are crucial paths for cultural and ecological regeneration.
Earth & Spirit Center:
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Nina’s website:
Nina’s new book, Nature, Culture & The Sacred: A Woman Listens for Leadership, 2nd edition:
Bioneers website:
Creation Spirituality

Matthew Fox on Creation Spirituality and Original Blessing
Matthew Fox is an author, theologian, and activist Episcopal priest whose radical interfaith work attempts to reawaken us to the sacredness of the created world. In this conversation, Matthew reflects on how creation-centered spirituality, and the marriage of the divine feminine and sacred masculine, can help us respond with hope to the troubles of our apocalyptic times.
Earth & Spirit Center website:
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Matthew will be in Louisville, KY at the annual Festival of Faiths, November 9 – 12.
Websites related to Matthew’s work:
Stephen Jenkinson on Grief and Belonging in Troubled Times
Stephen Jenkinson is a Harvard-trained author, activist, farmer, sculptor, and canoe-builder who has worked in his native Canada as a palliative care provider for dying people and their families. In this challenging conversation, Stephen reflects on the deep roots of our troubled times and on how rich and full human belonging – in one’s life, one’s culture, one’s place – means letting go of our drive for autonomy to embrace the beauty of our limits.
Donate to support this podcast at
Stephen’s website:
Stephen’s latest book (with Kimberly Ann Johnson), Reckoning:
Stephen’s Nights of Grief and Mystery 2022 Tour:

Resonance: Bethany Gonyea on the Personal and Collective Impact of Mass Meditation Events
Bethany Gonyea is the founder of Numinous, a nonprofit that facilitates interfaith spiritual practices to reduce human suffering. In this conversation, Bethany shares about her work in creating mass meditation events aimed at reducing crime and violence in specific geographic areas (in statistically verifiable ways), as well as bringing benefits to the meditators themselves.
Earth & Spirit Center homepage:
Numinous homepage:
Global Peaceful Cities Project:
Bethany’s book: Become a Consciousness Athlete: A Step by Step Program to Heighten Consciousness for Daily Happiness
Zen and the Art of Living and Dying Well: Justin Magnuson on Facing Death and Living Life with Courage and Clarity
Justin Magnuson is a Zen Buddhist who works with the elderly and terminally ill. In this episode, Justin reflects on how approaching death and dying with intention can be an invitation to a fuller way of living.
Earth & Spirit Center:
University of Louisville Trager Institute and Republic Bank Foundation Optimal Aging Clinic:
Roots and Wings?