Mary was born in Louisville, KY but has lived and traveled all over the world. She feels the most alive when she is surrounded by trees and mountains, especially in the fall. You can usually find her running, hiking, or reading, although not all at the same time. Mary strives to lead a life of mindfulness and meditation and has been seriously involved in the meditation community for many years now. Her mission is to assist the evolution of the human spirit by fostering deeper union with the natural world.
Mary earned her master’s degree in Philosophy, Consciousness, and Cosmology through the California Institute of Integral Studies where she studied many great minds such as Brian Swimme, Thomas Berry, Joanna Macy, and Alfred North Whitehead. She is also a student of the Earth and has spent much of her life sitting at the feet of our great Mother, trying to discern her whispers. In 2019 Mary spent 150 days hiking the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada and it changed her life.
Mary has spent the majority of her career in the field of nursing and has worked in the U.S. as well as in Honduras and Peru for non-profit medical aid organizations. Through her involvement with the medical field, Mary realized that life was calling her, not only to the healing of bodies, but also to the healing of souls; not only to the healing of human bodies, but also to the healing of the Earth body. Like Plato, Mary believes that “the part can never be well unless the whole is well,” and that we are all one little piece of this wildly beautiful whole.