Re-membering our wholeness. If you feel disconnected, broken, or wounded, you are not alone. We are all wounded in essential and frequently secret ways, and it can be difficult to know how to begin to heal. Join us for a complete reframing of what it means to be broken, and what it means to heal. In the second part of our healing series, we will focus on re-membering ourselves into wholeness. Together we will find wisdom, strength and guidance within ourselves, our community, and in the larger natural world. Together we will discover ways to re-member ourselves into wholeness.
Class Description
Details for Class
- Reframe both woundedness and healing and give participants the tools to alchemically change suffering into a rite
- Reconnect participants with their own inner knowing and provide the skills to meaningfully connect with their own heart and inner truth
- Reawaken participants to their true nature as essential and interrelated participants in the divine cosmic dance