Peace on Earth By 2030: David Gershon’s Grand Vision (and Practice) of Peacemaking and Social Change
David Gershon is the co-founder and CEO of Empowerment Institute, author of a dozen books, and is one of the foremost social change experts in the world. In this conversation, David shares his vision of world peace by 2030 and the inspired and inspiring way he is helping create the means to achieve it.
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Registration link for World Building Workshop in Louisville on September 7, 2024:
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Learn more about the Peace Game and the Peace Game App:
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Brayton Bowen on Compassion at Work
Brayton Bowen is an organizational consultant, author, educator, and speaker, who served as a senior human resources officer for Fortune 500 companies. He’s also a fierce advocate for compassion in the workplace. In this episode, we explore the benefits compassion can bring in organizational life and beyond.
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The Divine in All Things: Mat McDermott on Yoga, Hinduism, and an Ethic of Care
Mat McDermott is Senior Director of Communications for the Hindu American Foundation, a non-profit advocacy organization for the Hindu American community, and an author and contributor for many Hindu American Foundation policy positions on environmental care and the ethical treatment of animals. This conversation explores how Hindu spirituality, and especially the various forms of yoga, help cultivate an ethic of love and care for the sacred world we all share.
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Hindu American Foundation:
Learn more about the June 21 International Day of Yoga
The Art of Spiritual Companioning with Rev. Seifu Anil Singh-Molares
Reverend Seifu Anil Singh-Molares is a priest in the Rinzai Zen Buddhist tradition and serves as the executive director of Spiritual Directors International, an interfaith non-profit that provides resources for spiritual guidance and counsel. This conversation explores what spiritual direction is and how important it is for discerning wisdom and divine presence in all aspects of our life.
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Spiritual Directors International:
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Join or Die: Rebecca and Pete Davis on Healthy Democracy and the Joy of Belonging
Rebecca and Pete Davis are a sister-and-brother filmmaking team who have created “Join or Die,” a documentary film about the decline of civic life in America and the importance of joining clubs and other associations as a way to restore the health of our democracy. This episode explores how we are all made for belonging and how we can lean into the profoundly joyful work of becoming more deeply connected to our places and to each other.
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Join or Die film:
The Story is in Our Bones: Osprey Orielle Lake on New (and Ancient) Worldviews for Health the Human-Earth Relationship
Osprey Orielle Lake is the founder executive director of WECAN, the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network, and the author of The Story is in Our Bones: How Worldviews and Climate Justice Can Remake a World in Crisis. In this episode, we explore how embracing a different story about our belonging in a living, animate world can transform our self-understanding and can help to heal our relationship with ourselves, each other, and the rest of the living Earth.
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Earth & Spirit Center homepage:
Osprey’s organization, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network:
Osprey’s new book, The Story is in Our Bones: How Worldviews and Climate Justice Can Remake a World in Crisis
Big Love: Attorney Tom Williams on Contemplative Practice, Compassionate Justice, and the Lawyer as a Healer
Tom Williams is a Louisville-based labor relations attorney with a deep commitment to the contemplative path, with the wild idea that a lawyer’s vocation may ultimately be to serve as a healer. In this conversation, Tom shares how he puts spiritual principles and insights into action as a tireless advocate for radical compassion, restorative justice, equity, and inclusion.
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Compassion Games International:
Sabbath Economics with Dr. Susan Taylor
Dr. Susan Taylor is a PhD economist who has given her life to weaving together commitments of religious faith and commitments to a more just economy. In this episode, we reflect on the central and complicated role that money plays in human life. As an alternative to bare-knuckled capitalism, Susan offers the idea of Sabbath Economics – a radical vision of abundance and economic justice for people and our planet – a vision that each of us and all of us can start living toward right here and right now.
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Susan’s financial advising firm, Just Money Advisors:
Faith and Money Network:
OneEarth Jubilee:
Michael Hollifield M.D. on Bringing Mindfulness and Healing to Victims of War
Dr. Michael Hollifield is a psychiatrist and general practitioner who serves as the Founder, President, and CEO of the War Survivors Institute, a nonprofit organization devoted to restoring health to civilians and soldiers who have been harmed by war, as well as mitigating the causes of violent conflicts. In this conversation, Michael reflects on the causes of war, its devasting effects, and how mindfulness and other spiritual practices and insights can bring peace in troubled hearts and troubled times.
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War Survivors Institute:
War Survivors Institute Virtual Walkathon:
Upcoming WSI Events in Louisville, KY:
WSI will be in the military section all day at Thunder Over Louisville (April 20, 2024):
WSI Healing Hearts Evening Event: May 16, 2024 at the Muhammad Ali Center:
Writing as Spiritual Practice: Denise Davis on Creating an “Isle of Peace”
Denise Davis taught writing for decades and is deeply committed to the spiritual journey and to journaling as a particular avenue of spiritual practice. In this conversation, Denise describes journaling as a chance to create what Howard Thurman called an Isle of Peace, where it’s safe to reflect on our experience, cultivate compassion for others, and seek the imprint of the divine in our lives.
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Learn more about Denise’s Earth & Spirit Center course, “Journaling as a Spiritual Practice” (begins March 4, 2024):