Camp Odyssey continues with Nature the Ultimate Designer and Engineer – Week 5- July 11

Week 5 – Nature the Ultimate Designer and Engineer

Nature Campers will begin the week having fun with patterns in nature, spider webs, trees, roots, leaves and so much more. They will dig to find the natural tunneling engineers; worms and ants and then experiment with earth worms to learn how to become tunnelers themselves. There will be a day to focus on how humans learn to become effective engineers through team building and leadership games. A day of exploring engineers of flight; birds, butterflies, bees, and other flying insects. Observation of their flights will influence how each camper creates their own pair of wings. The week will end as campers use their new skills to become forest engineers. They will design and build all day.


  • Day 1 – Designs and Patterns in Nature
  • Day 2 – Tunnelers – Worms/Ants underground
  • Day 3 – Warming up the little Engineer’s Gears
  • Day 4 – Engineers of Flight – Animals/Insects
  • Day 5 – Forest Engineers – A day to build



  • Team building and leadership games
  • Hikes observing natural engineers (animals/insects/plants)
  • Creating Wings to Fly
  • Experimenting with Earthworms and Ants (harmless)
  • Pattern Games
  • Bingo Scavenger Hunt
  • Tunneling
  • Searching for natural materials to build
  • Dreaming
  • Designing
  • Building with sticks, rocks, mud, and so much more

Click here to register for Nature the Ultimate Designer and Engineer – Camp Week July 25