Discovering Your Soul Purpose: Doug Van Houten on Eco-Centrism and Wholeness

Doug Van Houten describes himself as an ardent beekeeper, a visual artist, a wily wanderer, a dream tracker, a deep ceremonialist, and a heart-centered activist. He’s an international wilderness g…

A Faithful Response to Climate Change: Dan Misleh on the Spiritual and Moral Aspects of the Climate Crisis

Dan Misleh is the executive director of the Catholic Climate Covenant, a national nonprofit organization devoted to faith-based education, advocacy, and practical actions related to climate change.…

Building Social Muscle: Malka Kopell on Creating Conversation and Community Across Difference

Malka Kopell has a Master’s in Public Policy from Harvard and has over 30 years of experience doing collaborative, intersectional work with government agencies, nonprofits and the philanthropic s…

Connecting to the Love that Powers the Universe: Carl McColman on Everyday Mysticism

Carl McColman is a blogger, author, podcaster, and teacher, with a deep affinity for the Christian mystical tradition. This conversation explores the idea that the mystical path is open to all and…

Polishing the Mirror of our Hearts: Kabir Helminski on Rumi, Sufism, and Becoming Fully Human

Shaikh Kabir Helminski is a Muslim educator, retreat leader, and a teacher and translator of Jallaladin Rumi, the beloved Sufi mystic and poet. In this conversation, Kabir unpacks wisdom from Rumi…

Becoming a Whole Man: Rev. Karl Ruttan, PhD on Authentic Spirituality for Boys and Men

Rev. Karl Ruttan, PhD is a retired Episcopal priest with a doctorate in spiritual formation and over forty years of ministry as a priest and as a spiritual director, especially with men. In this…

Philip Goldberg: Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times

Philip Goldberg has been studying the world’s spiritual traditions for more than 50 years, as a practitioner, teacher, and writer. He is the author or co-author of more than 20 books, including, m…

Recreating Eden: Dr. Patricia Tull on the Human Vocation of Belonging in the World

In a time of ecological and social crisis, it can be tempting to retreat from the world and pine nostalgically for some earlier, simpler, purer way of life: like the Garden of Eden. In this episode,…

Crossing the Great Divide: Cory Lockhart on Compassionate Communication for Contentious Times

Our nation, our communities, and our families are divided more deeply now than they have been in decades, pitting us against each other exactly at a time when cooperation couldn’t be more important…

Long-Haul Pandemic (Grand)Parenting with Nellie Springston

Being a parent or a grandparent during a pandemic is a challenge for which none of us were prepared. As COVID-19 stretches on, it’s clear that we need strategies we can sustain for the…