Big Love: Attorney Tom Williams on Contemplative Practice, Compassionate Justice, and the Lawyer as a Healer
Tom Williams is a Louisville-based labor relations attorney with a deep commitment to the contemplative path, with the wild idea that a lawyer’s vocation may ultimately be to serve as a healer. In this conversation, Tom shares how he puts spiritual principles and insights into action as a tireless advocate for radical compassion, restorative justice, equity, and inclusion.
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Compassion Games International:
Sabbath Economics with Dr. Susan Taylor
Dr. Susan Taylor is a PhD economist who has given her life to weaving together commitments of religious faith and commitments to a more just economy. In this episode, we reflect on the central and complicated role that money plays in human life. As an alternative to bare-knuckled capitalism, Susan offers the idea of Sabbath Economics – a radical vision of abundance and economic justice for people and our planet – a vision that each of us and all of us can start living toward right here and right now.
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Susan’s financial advising firm, Just Money Advisors:
Faith and Money Network:
OneEarth Jubilee:
Michael Hollifield M.D. on Bringing Mindfulness and Healing to Victims of War
Dr. Michael Hollifield is a psychiatrist and general practitioner who serves as the Founder, President, and CEO of the War Survivors Institute, a nonprofit organization devoted to restoring health to civilians and soldiers who have been harmed by war, as well as mitigating the causes of violent conflicts. In this conversation, Michael reflects on the causes of war, its devasting effects, and how mindfulness and other spiritual practices and insights can bring peace in troubled hearts and troubled times.
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War Survivors Institute:
War Survivors Institute Virtual Walkathon:
Upcoming WSI Events in Louisville, KY:
WSI will be in the military section all day at Thunder Over Louisville (April 20, 2024):
WSI Healing Hearts Evening Event: May 16, 2024 at the Muhammad Ali Center:
Writing as Spiritual Practice: Denise Davis on Creating an “Isle of Peace”
Denise Davis taught writing for decades and is deeply committed to the spiritual journey and to journaling as a particular avenue of spiritual practice. In this conversation, Denise describes journaling as a chance to create what Howard Thurman called an Isle of Peace, where it’s safe to reflect on our experience, cultivate compassion for others, and seek the imprint of the divine in our lives.
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Learn more about Denise’s Earth & Spirit Center course, “Journaling as a Spiritual Practice” (begins March 4, 2024):
Everyone is Unshakably Good: Stephanie Barnett on Compassion, Belonging, and Belovedness
Stephanie Barnett is a healthcare consultant, spiritual director, and nonprofit leader who understands her work as accompanying those on the margins, including young mothers who are in active recovery from substance abuse. In this conversation, Stephanie shares how compassion is the spiritual thread woven throughout all her work, knitting together communities of kinship and belonging, where all can know their own worth and belovedness.
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Stephanie’s nonprofit, iAccompany/ChooseWell Communities:
Homeboy Industries:
Matthew Fox on Creation Spirituality and Original Blessing – From the Archive
Matthew Fox is an author, theologian, and activist Episcopal priest whose radical interfaith work attempts to reawaken us to the sacredness of the created world. In this conversation, originally released in October 2022, Matthew reflects on how creation-centered spirituality, and the marriage of the divine feminine and sacred masculine, can help us respond with hope to the troubles of our apocalyptic times.
Earth & Spirit Center website:
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Andy Loving on Spirituality, Money, and Socially Responsible Investing
Andy Loving is the founder of Just Money Advisors, a financial advising firm that specializes in working with clients who have strong interests in socially responsible and ecologically sustainable investing. This conversation delves into the complicated role that money plays in our lives and how spiritual values can inspire us to use money and investing as tools for bringing about the more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible.
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Just Money Advisors Inc.:
Hope Credit Union:
Faith and Money Network:
Church of the Saviour in Washington, DC:
Koinonia Farm:
Dr. Patricia Gianotti on Spiritual Integration
Dr. Patricia Gianotti is the Academic Director of The Institute for Advanced Psychotherapy at Loyola University Chicago. As a clinician in private practice, she works with clients around issues related to trauma, shame, and narcissism. She’s also the founder of the Center for Spiritual Integration, an organization dedicated to the integration of spiritual and psychological aspects of the human psyche. This conversation explores what spiritual integration means in the context of human resilience, authenticity, purpose, building community, and other themes of living and aging well.
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Patricia’s website:
The Center for Spiritual Integration:
Patricia’s consultation and coaching practice:
Patricia’s latest book: Embracing Therapeutic Complexity: A Guidebook to Integrating the Essentials of Psychodynamic Principles Across Therapeutic Disciplines.
Institute for Advanced Psychotherapy at Loyola University Chicago:
Stepping Lightly, Keeping Focus, and Finding Gratitude, Part 2: Di Anne and Tom Kerrigan on Bringing Mindfulness to the Masses
After successful careers in business, Di Anne and Tom Kerrigan have become deeply involved in sharing mindfulness with those who need its practical benefits but may have barriers to access. This episode is the second half of a conversation with them about the democratization of mindfulness and the role mindfulness and compassion can play not only in improving the lives of individuals but also in changing the systems that perpetuate inequity.
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Earth & Spirit Center’s Mindfulness Mentors program, bringing free mindfulness instruction to those with barriers to access:
Register for our free Listen, Learn, Act Meet and Greet event, December 7, 2023, 6 – 7:30 EST:
Stepping Lightly, Keeping Focus, and Finding Gratitude, Part 1: Di Anne and Tom Kerrigan on Bringing Mindfulness to the Masses
Di Anne and Tom Kerrigan are an entrepreneurial couple who sold their successful business and then devoted their considerable energy and talents to sharing mindfulness with underserved community members, in collaboration with the Earth & Spirit Center. In this first of a two-part conversation, Di and Tom reflect on the difference mindfulness can make in the lives of people who face extraordinary challenges.
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Learn more about the nonprofit Earth & Spirit Center:
Earth & Spirit Center’s Mindfulness Mentors program, bringing free mindfulness instruction to those with barriers to access: