Our Partners

Churches and other organizations have chosen to partner with the Earth & Spirit Center because they recognize the importance of fostering spiritual growth, compassion for others, and care for the Earth. We are very grateful for their support.

Arthur K. Smith Family Foundation, Louisville, KY

Congregation of St. Joseph, Tipton, IN

Congrégation de Notre-Dame

Dominican Sisters of Peace, St. Catherine, KY

Google Grants Program

Kentucky Colonels

Kentucky Waterways Alliance

Passionist Congregation of Holy Cross Province, Chicago, IL

SC Ministry Foundation, Cincinnati, OH

Sisters and Co-Members of the Loretto Community, Denver, CO

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Nazareth, KY

Sisters of Loretto Special Needs Fund, Loretto, KY

St. Agnes Church, Louisville, KY

St. Edward Church, Jeffersontown, KY

St. William Church, Louisville, KY

Sheltowee Environmental Education Coalition

The Amalia & Nicola Giuliani Foundation for Religion and the Arts, Greenwich, CT

The Kalliopeia Foundation, San Rafael, CA

The Norton Foundation, Louisville, KY

The Owsley Brown III Philanthropic Foundation, Louisville, KY

The W.L. Lyons Brown Foundation, Louisville, KY

Trust for the Meditation Process, Minneapolis, MN

Yum! Brands Foundation, Louisville, KY