“The Cosmic Journey” is a new film produced by the Earth & Spirit Center, inspired by our new Cosmic Journey nature trail and outdoor art installation in the Earth & Spirit Center Nature Sanctuary. In this live Community Conversations event, we have a conversation with the film creator, Megan Maybee, the sound designer and voice actor Joe Brown, and the script contributor, Joe Mitchell. We reflect together on the process of creating this film as we share our hopes that it will invite viewers to celebrate the 13.8-billion-year story of our evolving Universe and the special place of the human species within that unfolding story.
The Cosmic Journey Film: https://youtu.be/7ObAVdhRChk
The Cosmic Journey Film Trailer: https://youtu.be/BDj4XhsFPh0
The Great Work Five-week Earth & Spirit Center Course: https://www.earthandspiritcenter.org/class/the-great-work/
Earth & Spirit Center Home Page: https://www.earthandspiritcenter.org/