Our guest for this episode is Joe Grant. A native of Scotland, Joe is a modern-day mystic, a blogger, and the author of numerous books and articles about scripture, justice and spirituality. Prior to moving to Louisville 25 years ago, Joe worked with indigenous peoples of the U.S. and in Latin America. His work has been rooted in the Catholic Christian tradition, but his sensibilities are deeply interdenominational and interfaith. Joe spends his time writing, leading retreats, and offering spiritual guidance. His latest book, Wandering and Welcome: Meditations for Finding Peace is published by Franciscan Media.
We sat down to talk about Joe’s spiritual journey, which has led him deep into the heart of the Amazon rainforest, into the pain and violence of inner city Louisville where he and his wife Anne make their home, and in all of this, into the heart of our beautiful, wounded world.
The Earth & Spirit Podcast is a production of the Earth & Spirit Center, a nonprofit, interfaith spirituality center in Louisville, KY, devoted to cultivating a flourishing world through contemplative practice. This podcast is made possible by the generous support from the Kalliopeia Foundation, whose mission is to reconnect ecology, culture, and spirituality through grantmaking, education, and media initiatives.